Carter was blessed on July 31, 2011. It was a special day not only for Carter but for our niece Afton. It just happened to be her birthday. We were sad that Afton and Sabrina couldn't come to his blessing, but it was still a special day. My mom, my brother Tony and my little sister were able to come. Matt's parents and his siblings were able to come and share this special day with us. I truely am blessed with my family. They all really mean a lot to me and want them to know that I love them very much!

Carter in his adorable blessing outfit. He was hungry and wouldn't smile in any of his pictures :(

Tony and Carter

Grandma Connie holding Carter

My handsome nephew Harrison

Thanks Tony for the awesome pictures!

Our cute little family :)
Carter looked so cute in his little outfit. So sad we weren't there. :( Ha ha I love that you posted the pic's of Tony. He's left a ton of them on my camera. I should do a post one day with all of them :D