Carter and I flew out to Vegas to spend some time with my sister Sabrina. Carter was awesome on the plane and the people on the plane with us were very nice and helpful. It's hard flying alone with a baby when you don't have any help to carry luggage. Luckily everything went well. Sabrina and I did a lot of shopping to get things ready for Sadie's party. To give us a little break we went swimming with their ward. While we were there we also celebrated my niece's first birthday. My mom and my sister brought Matt down later that week so they could celebrate with us.

Carter ready to go swimming. So cute!!

Nice farmers tan...I know! Ha ha.

My niece Afton! She's so cute. I love that girl!

Carter didn't really like swimming. The water was pretty cold so I don't blame him.

Sadie's birthday

Sadie's cake. My sister decorated the top two tiers and I did the bottom tier. It turned out so cute!

The birthday girl!
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