Thursday, March 8, 2012


This has been a very busy year for us. Everything with our car has been taken care of finally and Matt is loving his job. Towards the end of February we moved to a condo in Pleasant Grove, Utah. We are so happy to have Carter in his own room and to have more space overall. We now live literally two minutes away from Matt's work which means we will save a lot of money on gas! Woohoo! We are pretty much settled in our condo, but there is still a bit of decorating to do. I won't be posting pictures of the condo until after its all decorated. Carter is getting so BIG!! He is crawling everywhere!! Matt's mom gave Carter Leap Frog Toy that stands that Carter loves. If we are in the living room he will crawl down the hall to his room and play with his toy for a half an hour! Not only is he crawling, but he is now pulling himself up to a standing position with the help of furniture. I can't believe how fast they grow up! He is now 10 months...almost a year old!! Seriously, where does the time go?
Carter and his Leap Frog toy that he loves.
Not the best picture, but he is standing!
Gwen and Carter. Gwen just adores having "Baby Carter" around.


  1. Cute, cute kids! I used to live in PG seven years ago. Good times. :)

  2. Carter is such a cutie!! I'm glad you guys are doing well:) They do grow up so fast, it seems like the older they get the faster it goes its crazy!
